
Be a part of something greater when you invest in renewable energy.

The Energy of The Future Is Here—Invest Now.

Why Invest in Solar Assets?

Make A Social-Environmental-Economic Impact

Strong Asset Performance

Strong asset performance throughout the pandemic has proven that residential solar is primed for further investment
Investor interest in U.S. residential solar is at all-time highs
Residential solar’s remarkable resilience throughout the pandemic provides evidence that these assets can hold up during a time of economic downturn and uncertainty
KBRA announced a comprehensive review of all outstanding ratings for solar loan asset-backed securitizations in response to the macroeconomic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. For all 17 securitizations that the agency had rated, KBRA did not issue any downgrades or watch placements.
The “hierarchy of bills” concept can help explain low delinquency rates for residential solar assets. Most solar customers enjoy somewhere between a bill swap and substantial monthly savings when compared to their utility bill prior to going solar. The alternative to paying a solar loan would likely be more expensive for the customer; therefore, there is a powerful incentive to remain current on the loan.

Abundant Energy Source

More solar energy hits the Earth in a single hour than the energy being used by the entire human population in a year
Solar energy generation is now economically viable in markets not typically characterized by high levels of solar irradiation

Proven and Stable Technology

Reliable and predictable source of electricity due to high consistency in yearly solar irradiation
Long history of performance, technology continues to improve home solar panel effectiveness

Cost-Effective Electricity Generation

Low operating and maintenance costs and ongoing capital expenditures
Solar PV technology has benefited from a significant reduction in costs and non-subsidized solar assets are now economically competitive with fossil fuel sources and provide attractive financial returns

Climate Change Solution

Fundamental to achieving a more sustainable future by accelerating the transition to clean and sustainable energy
Meaningful contribution to reducing CO2 emissions through the generation of clean electricity


Solar Performance & COVID


The Extension of Solar Tax Credits


How Solar Panel Depreciation Works


**DISCLAIMER: All information displayed on this website is for information purposes only, and should not be construed as an offer to sell nor a solicitation to buy securities. Please contact us for further information about any investment opportunities described herein, including information regarding the risks associated with an investment in SolarAccess.